hello kids,
so its approximately 6:28am and i'm awake still, yes i stayed up all night. cuz i wasnt THAT sleepy. PLUS im goin with a couple of thee bf's culinary friends to shop for some SNOW GEAR down at san jose. we meetin up at 9:30am!!! so i might as well just stay the fcuk up riiight? i was still up round 2ish, might as well. thee bf can't come with cuz he gotsta work at thee cart; but i am finna bring our other homie KEViN iBARRA. so i wont feel too alone. lol. but n e hu, here are some pics over the week/weekend that i was lazy to post up. but sense i was up all night, i manage to resize & copyright it.
so heres the past weekend we had a late dessert with thee homie OMARNSTERR at BAKERS SQUARE (great awesome pies, pumpkin creme, yummo!)
so that was that, and ON FRiDAY night... thee boyfeen took a day offa work from BLUE PLATE (w/o lettin me know) and SURPRISED me once again with a nice full COOKED meal all by his DAMN SELF. how fcukin sweet is he?!?! riiight??? i've always been buggin him bout cookin for mee ever since he got into the culinary program. seeeeee, NAGGING works. haha. but the meal was YUMMY! i loved it. he cooked my favorite, ITALIANO! hells yess. enjoy the pics!

oh yea, i used my 56 eyeshadow palette and did a smokey blue look. VERY SiMPLE but classic smoked (: (like my hat? great for winterrrrr season yea? got it from FOREVER, hehe $8)
- loveva
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