Have you ever checked out TexaGermaNadian? You should. She's funny, sarcastic, has great posts, and features awesome blog hops (Where do you think this came from?), and pictures of goats. It reminds me of the one animal I am dying to own. A sheep.
I'm not prejudice. Black or white, they baaaaah the same. So why do I want a sheep you may ask? When we lived in Italy there was this hill on the side of the road. There used to be so many sheep on that hill. They could have walked across the road and died anytime but they didn't. They just grazed and looked cute, so I want one. Also because the name is the same whether you have one sheep or multiple. Kind of like a moose. Except I like to call multiple moose, meece. I also think that marrying a Canadian means I have the God-given right to see a real-life moose. I also believe moose make this sound "mooooooooooooooooose".
This is really random, I know. That is just exactly what ran through my head when I checked out TexaGermaNadian about 10 minutes ago. Go see her now.
I would like to feature these Thirsty Thursday blog hops here because today is day two of the NHL playoffs. That means more games tonight. I will be okay, I think. However right now I'm afraid every conversation for the rest of my life, whether I'm in it or just around it, will revolve around hockey in some way. And I may need some drinks. Bottoms up!
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