[ Jonathon Wong - 1+1 ]
Seems like time is flying super quick, it's already April! Ain't that some shit? And Illiana is getting bigger as we speak! I know I haven't shared a updated photo of her in a while on here. lol. Here you guys go... She is 2 months in the photo, she is going to turn 3 months on the 19th of this month (:

hayyy. thumbs up.

she has paw prints on her feet! lol. i am definitely trying my best to cherish every moment and take many photos and record plenty of videos as she grows. because i heard from many many people that they grow up hella fast, i am certain they are correct as well. gosh, i LOVE her oh so much [= alright i'll talk to ya'll later, gotta feed Illiana and then put her to bed for her nap. toodles
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