The nurse took my vitals and looked at my chart. She told me I was rather young to be taking hormone supplements. With a smile, I told her I'm transgendered. She said, "Oh, that makes sense then."
This doctor sure is funny. I was always seeing a nurse practitioner for some reason, but she's left the practice. The doctor says I'll see him from now on, and I'm fine with that so far. I told him once or twice times during the visit that I wanted to increase my estradiol to 8 mg (that's estrogen for those not in the know), and my spironolactone to 200 mg (spiro blocks most of that nasty testosterone crap). I guess he figured 8 mg is a lot, because he asked me what dose again, and when I told him... well, he just looked at me with this funny look. He was also asking me about surgery and how much that would cost me. I told him it would be close to $10,000 in Thailand and between $20,000 to $30,000 here in the States. A few minutes later, after discussing the medication some more, he looks at me, and says, "Thirty thousand dollars, Amy!"
So he gave me the prescriptions I wanted. No refills though. I have to see now if my insurance will cover this. It's funded by Macomb County, so they tend to be pickier than most. I have to go for a blood test next week. Oh yay.
In other news, day four of my Special K diet just ended. I was fine today, but I was going through some hunger pains and some hella strong cravings on day three! Nikki keeps eating Cheez-Its and Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream and driving me nuts!

The blisters on the soles of my feet are much better now, so I might walk for 30 minutes or so tomorrow and see how that goes. I think I may need new socks. My shoes are pretty new, but my socks were sticking to my feet when I was walking the other day, and I think that's what caused the rubbing. Maybe.
What else? I am now in touch with two of my cousins on my father's side of the family! I haven't talked to Deanna in three years or something like that. I haven't seen Candice since I was a teenager, I think! I was always closer with my mother's side of the family, since we saw them more. My mother has always had some kind of a problem with my dad's mom for some reason. We'd be lucky to see her once or twice a year, whereas we'd be over my grandfather's house at least once a month. I don't know, that never seemed fair to me. Now it seems I may get closer with my father's side of the family. They seem to accept me for me. Nobody on my mother's side will talk to me anymore. Ditto for my father, brother and sister. Hello, I am not Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs! "It rubs the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again!"
In all fairness though, those who are closest to a transsexual are often the ones most affected, thus the response they come back with is often the most dramatic. Though I do think the only way my mother would ever talk to me again is if I almost died or something. Even then, how would she find out if I had a brush with death?

Anyway, my general outlook on life has been pretty good lately. I think blogging has helped me. Reading other blogs from folks who are in a similar boat as me is helping also. Dieting is a process too which I know will improve my life and attitude even more. For so long, I focused on my trans-issues. Then I figured I would just like to focus on being a woman more, and not the extra baggage. Well, for better or worse, it is a big part of my life. I would love to put it all behind me and leave things in the past, but I don't think those things want to go away yet. I still have to deal with them and discuss them. Plus, I like helping others, both transgendered and cisgendered. If I have helped ease the pain of just one person in transition, or educate just one person on what it means to be transgendered, then I'll feel like I've done my job.
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