I took great care when picking out my first name. After all, not many people get to choose their own name! My name is one that I chose for my daughter. Her mother didn't like it. Brittany was the name chosen instead. (Is it perhaps a subconscious suggestion that made me change my name to one I knew my ex doesn't like? Hmmm... NAH!) It doesn't end there. Amethyst has always been my favorite gem. So yeah, Amy, amethyst, you can see where this is going. There was also a comic book that I absolutely adored entitled, "Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld." It was DC Comics' attempt at reaching a female audience. Well, I was already reading titles from DC such as The New Teen Titans and and Legion of Super-Heroes, as well as a slew of Marvel titles. but I loved Amethyst!

My last name is interesting, I think. My mother had told me several times that she didn't want me to bring "shame" on the family name, when referring to me behaving or appearing in any way feminine. So I figured, let's change that too. "Amy" means friend or friendly, while my last name is German for "heart." Friendly heart. The main reason I don't put my last name up here is because my soon-to-be mother-in-law (yay!) is a freak of nature and likes to google me and stalk me. Let's see, do you know the actress who played the mother on Growing Pains? Her first name is Joanna, and her last name is... well, the same as mine. Look here on IMDB if you don't know who she is. I just don't want any search engine indexes pointing to my full name here, at least for now. Since I'm looking for employment, it might be a good idea to keep them from googling me and seeing this blog as well. My Facebook and MySpace accounts are private, but I want to keep this blog open.
My middle name, Jean, was chosen by my sweetheart, Nikki. An homage of sorts to Jean Grey, who was at one time the most powerful of the X-Men, as Phoenix. (Never mind X-Men: The Last Stand, they didn't do Phoenix justice at all.) Why do we keep coming back to comics? Oh yes, and Skylar's middle name is also Jean.
Some unrelated current events. I walked another three miles today, this time pushing Skylar in the stroller. We had to get crickets for our tree frogs. I did this a month or so ago, so I figured let's go again. It gets Skylar outdoors for awhile, I need the exercise, and hey, y'know... crickets. I wore a newer, softer pair of socks and guess what? No blisters. Yayyyy!
I forgot to mention in my last post that they weighed me at the clinic, with a result of 164 pounds. That was on day 4 of my diet. Only one other time have I weighed this much. It was back in 2001, when my ex was pregnant with Brittany. She was craving ice cream and Taco Bell non-stop, and hey I love that stuff too! I gained 30 pounds. It was pretty much gone two years later. This time, it's all my fault. That and those damn hormone meds.
My hunger pains weren't as bad yesterday (which was day 5). I think my stomach has shrunk a little. I had dinner at 6 PM, and then it was after midnight, and I still wasn't hungry. I had my last protein bar anyway, because I don't want to eat too soon before going to bed, and who knows how long I would remain unhungry? I'm a night owl, and I want to eat dinner with the family. Right now, I wake up at 12 noon. Yeah, I know. So I have a protein bar between 12 and 1 PM, eat dinner at 5 or 6 PM, then have another bar at 11 PM or so.
Oh yeah, I have a new layout. Does anyone like it/hate it? The old one had all this unused space on the sides. I hate that. Now with more room for text, I enlarged the font size and bolded it. I figured it would be make easier and funner to read.
Until next time...!
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