[ Karl Wolf - Superstar ]
So recently Juls & I dragged my entire fam bam to a family photoshoot. That's because my parents BIG 60th birthday is coming up! And our gift to them is a nice family photo, throughout all these years we NEVER taken ANY professional family photos at all. So this is quite the sentimental gift from us. Knowing my mom she'll definitely hang this proudly in her living room to show off her lovely, beautiful GROWING FAMILY :) So here is a glimpse of my parents with their grand children waiting for our photographer to set everything up.
It just amazes me how our family started as 5 of us...

And now looky! There's 10 of us here in the photo and ONE MORE in my sister's oven! So we narrowed it down to the this photo as our final choice to be blown up and Juls and I will find a great frame to go with it.

I am just so happy that my family is so open and loving to Juls as well, they welcomed him with open arms throughout the years; I practically think they love Juls more than me! lol... For us to be blessed with such a beautiful baby girl, Illiana, in our lives; her grandparents (my parents) could not be more happier for us. Took a photo of just us three siblings, even tho we may argue and bicker with one another; in the end we love each other unconditionally.

Our pops always taught us to always love each other even if we fight and argue, as long as we remember in the end family is the most important. My pops never really had a close family, so he wants the best of what he never had for us; we all always kept him in mind. And you know what, IT JUST STUCK. always. It's just so cute, because our photographer kept saying "the husbands" referring to Juls and my sister's hubby, Sam, LOL. It just made me smile every time. *sighs happily* DAMN, Family... how they're the best people in our lives, most definitely. Hope ya'll enjoy! Until next time! Toodles!
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