January 27th, 2003
I went to therapy today as Amy for the first time! I had gone the previous week in duplex mode (patent pending) * , but this time I was full on. Luckily, everyone at home is usually at work from 9 AM to 3 PM, so I could get myself all dolled up. (Actually, luck didn't have much to do with it, since I scheduled my therapy visits during this time frame for just this reason!) I wore a velvety blouse (full coverage, so there was no need to cover up my birthmark), black stretchy bellbottom slacks, and black boots. I wanted to wear my little green dress (originally my ex's), but at 10 degrees fahrenheit, it was a bit cold for bare legs. I didn't have time to do my nails, unfortunately, but I wore my new wig again. It's wonderful, there's not a single knot in it. What a difference from the old one.

I had to go to an ATM machine first to get money for the visit (though it turned out that I forgot to pay her anyway). After going there, I went to a gas station. The lady behind the counter gave me a nice smile. I believe she recognized me, as I often go there with some minimal lipstick and blush on. This was my first time going there in girl mode.

After that, I went to therapy, and I actually arrived there on time. The receptionist didn't give me any funny looks or anything. It was a very nice session, and I felt much happier, very smiley and all. I usually feel this way when I'm in girl mode. My therapist noticed. She said I could come in girl mode (or any mode, for that matter) as much as I want to. The only downer was that she said that even if she didn't know me, she still wouldn't be convinced that I'm a woman. But then again, that may just be her. She might be more perceptive than the average person, or maybe she's biased because she does know me. Or maybe both.

Afterwards, I went to McDonald's to have some lunch. I ate inside, and I got some stares from the men, and friendly smiles from the female employees. But did I just look nice or did they clock me? After that, I took a bunch of pics of myself with the auto timer. I think they came out nice.
* "Duplex mode" is a term I made up to signify less-than-complete girl-mode. I may have worn women's clothing with some makeup but not all, and maybe a wig or maybe not. So I may have had beard shadow and/or short hair, breast forms or not. Note that if I dress like this now, I would still look fine, since I have no shadow on my face, my natural hair is long, and my natural breasts are... well, breasts. Back then, well... I either looked stupid or just weird, take your pick. For some reason, I liked to shock people at the time. Go figure.
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