I walked for 90 minutes yesterday evening. I walked briskly, and I guesstimate that I travelled between three to three-and-a-half miles. I was on my way back home when I realized that the balls of my feet hurt. Too late now to do anything about it. I got home and checked my feet. Yep, blisters on both. Oh yay.
I'm still amazed at how people stare here. There were lots of folks (mostly women) who not only looked at me as they drove past me, but actually turned their heads over their shoulders as they passed me, so they could keep looking. I started waving to those peeps after awhile. One guy stuck his head out the window and yelled, "Hello!" (No, I had not waved to him.) One other made a quick, discreet honk. There's a lot less honking going on in Michigan compared to New York. I used to walk almost every day for awhile there, and guys would always be honking at me. I had a friend who used to honk all the time when he saw an attractive woman walking, running, or whatever. I used to complain to him, saying it was unnecessary. Now I almost miss the honking! ("Almost" because sometimes it would startle me.)

My iPod has been giving me trouble. I think it's the battery. The batteries cost about $20, and I found a few videos online that demonstrate how to replace it. I charge it up and all seems fine, but if I turn it off and then want to use it the next day, it's dead. If I only listen to certain music for when I exercise, it'll have me looking forward more to working out. I just have to get rid of these damn blisters now.
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