Four years ago, I went on a date with a transsexual woman named Kellie. We really seemed to hit it off, but she quickly showed her true colors as being made of less than honest stuff. Even a friendship with this woman would not be possible without a substantial masochism complex. For some reason, I had not deleted her off my MySpace friend list.
Three years ago, when I was with a rather butch lesbian named Tee, someone named Nikki sent me a message asking me how long I knew Kellie and that she loved my profile. She saw me on Kellie's friend list. Kellie and her were going to be moving in together and they were madly in love. I wrote back, telling her how Kellie and I met and what happened afterwards. I gave her a gentle warning about Kellie. That was it for awhile.
Tee and I broke up. Nikki wrote me again, telling me how Kellie broke her heart. We kept writing, and even though we were both rather hurt from recent events, we went on a date. It was magic. She was like magic to me. Less than a week later, we both proclaimed our love for each other, and then danced in the parking lot, with Vanessa Carlton's "Pretty Baby" blasting through my car's speakers.
Unfortunately, less than three months later, she was stuck in a shelter for abused women with her three kids. Her husband, who she was still living with in a loveless marriage, had abused her for the last time. I got involved (physically... yeah me, who hadn't so much as slapped anyone since the ninth grade), and then the police got involved. (Yes, I knew about the husband and the kids and everything me crazy.)
Cue the court scene. The battle over custody of the kids ensued. We tried to get a place lined up for the two of us and the kids, but everything in New York was just too expensive. With a little help from a couple of her family members, we managed to get an apartment near them in Michigan. Nikki, Skylar (then one year old), and I moved in to our new place in August of 2007. The older two kids (Sarah and Savannah) joined us in December. Don't look at me, that wasn't my idea. I think it would have been perfect for those two to start school fresh here in September, but nooooo...!
We have been here ever since. Is it perfect? No. But it's home. I love our kids as if they had come from me. Hey, we can all dream, okay? Sarah is The Prodigy. She is so intelligent, acing tests left and right. She's an excellent writer and artist. Booksmart to the max. The kid needs a little more common sense now and then, but hey, she's learning. Savannah is turning eight this month. She's The Street Smart One. However, she's very emotional and a total mush. More than once, there has been someone telling me that my daughter looks a lot like her mom. Now is that cool or what? Skylar just turned three, but her personality is already shining. She's The Comedian. She has been speech delayed, but is starting to catch up now. Oh, the things that come out of her mouth sometimes!
As far as Nikki, she is my angel. Never have I been so much in love with someone, and never has someone saw the real me the way she does. When we met, I had not even transitioned to living as a woman full-time. She knew who I really was, and understood when nobody else seemed able to. I have never met anyone so generous and loving in all my life. When I stop and think of all the things she has done for me, it just blows my mind. For instance, I have quite a lot of hair growing on my neck still. We don't have the money right now to spare for electrolysis, as I'm still out of work. Several nights a week, that amazing woman spends over an hour tweezing hairs out of my neck. Now that's love.
I wish I had a photo of all of us to share, but all the family photos we have are on hard copy, and I don't have a scanner at the moment. I should go to Staples or somewhere and get them scanned. You'll all just have to settle for an old photo of Nikki and I, circa early 2007. The photo doesn't do her justice, but it can be difficult getting my girl to allow her photo to be taken. I'm not giving up on that front, however.
Our home is filled with love. We take care of those kids and give them a life away from an abusive father. I have someone I love deeply, and who loves me back... and here I thought I would be alone until my GRS, at least.
I'm blessed.

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